Thursday 30 January 2014

PSYCHO Image Analysis 1

In this scene from PSYCHO (1960), Lila, the final girl, has descended into the basement of Norman Bates’ house, only to be confronted by Norman himself dressed as a mockery of his mother. This costume is part of the mise-en-scene that represents his split mental state. The lighting in this shot also lends to this idea of a split-personality as it creates a large shadow of Norman behind him, creating the idea that another person is directing him to kill. A theory that can clearly be used to help decode this image is Janet Staiger’s “Audience Studies.” In it, she writes about the importance of context in understanding the impact of a film. This scene can best be comprehended through its link to the context of Ed Gein. Ed Gein was a serial killer around 1937 who murdered women and dressed up in an outfit made of their skin. He also claimed to hear the voice of his dead mother who compelled him to kill; a trait that Norman Bates shares. 

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