Sunday, 4 May 2014

Class Trailer Review: Cloverfield

Name of Film: Cloverfield
Year Released: 2008
Genre of Trailer: Action Horror
My Mark (After Viewing): 8/10

What happened in the trailer?
Starts slowly with a party and people talking to the camera, then what appears to be an earthquake hits and the partygoers rush to the roof. Suddenly, a set of explosions go off and there is a quick montage of static-y cuts as people fall over trying to get inside the building. Then it cuts to the street and we see another explosion before the head of the Statue of Liberty crashes past. We then cut to a clip of one of the partygoers talking, before ending.

Which positive, clever or interesting aspects do you think you could include in your own trailer? What generic features are fulfilled well?
-          The use of handheld camera is very clever as it makes the trailer seem as if it could be real, like a found footage movie or a documentary.
-          The news report in the trailer also adds to the reality of the trailer, making the events seem more realistic and dramatic.
-          The scene at the end with the party-goer saying “It’s going to be the best night ever” adds dramatic irony to the trailer, as it is obviously filmed before the explosions and earthquake happen, so the audience know it is not going to be a good night. It also adds to the expectations of the audience, telling them the movie is going to be exciting, maybe even one of the best they’ve ever seen.
-          There is a heavy element of mystery to this trailer. We see no title or release date. Instead, we are only told who the producer is, J.J Abrams, and who it is produced by. This increases the curiosity of the viewer, making them want to learn more and thus forcing them to actively research the film.

Which aspects of the trailer did you think were unsuccessful, and would put off its target audience? How is it disappointing?
-          The handheld camera could produce problems for some people watching it. Handheld camera is very shaky to watch and can cause some people to feel ill, putting them off seeing the film.
-          The CGI with the head of the Statue of Liberty is obvious fake, taking away from the realism of the trailer.

What was the trailer's average score in class? Why did it receive that mark?

The average score from the class on this trailer was 7.5 out of 10. This trailer was more exciting and interesting than the others, but a few people were put off by the handheld camera and the overall lack of scares.

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